Benny Di Paola

Co-op Student

An image of Benny Di Paola (Co-op) in the St. Catharines office of DDL & Co.

DDL & Co. Area of Specialty

Co-op student, 4th year.

What do you enjoy most about working at DDL & Co. in St. Catharines?

The friendly environment that promotes professional development, and my awesome co-workers.

Why did you choose an accounting career?

I chose to be an accountant so that I could improve the financial aspect of other’s lives.

Inspirational quote(s) or idea(s) you live by:

“Save money, live better.”

Favourite Hobbies:

Playing/watching sports, hanging out with friends and playing poker.

Favourite chocolate bar:

Snickers because it satisfies!

Favourite show:

Family guy because it always bring me a good laugh!